Friday, October 16, 2009

A Day's Wait

A Day's Wait is about a nine year old little boy who thinks he is going to die from having a temperature of one hundred and two. The little boy says to people that he does not want anyone in the room because he doesn't want anyone to catch what he has. What the boy doesn't know is that he is not going to die that it is just a little fever. The father doesn't understand why the little boy acts this way until he asked his father how long till he would die, then the father understood why the little boy acted frightened and did not want anyone near him.
The little boy thinks he would die because boys at France told him that he could not live with a forty-four degree temperature and he has one hundred and two. His father told the boy that it was like miles and kilometers, that he was not going to die, and that it was different on a thermometer, that thirty-seven was normal and on the other kind of thermometer it was ninety-eight.

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