Friday, October 30, 2009

Chapters 1-19 Scarlet Letter

Chapter 1-2:
The first chapter is talking about how the prison door is by the cemetery in the town, that means like it is the first burial-ground of the Isaac Johnson's lot and how the people in the prison are buried at the cemetery. Rooted almost at the threshold would be a wild rose-bush that would be covered in the month of June and when a prisoner would go in the rose-bush would offer fragrance and fragile beauty to him/her as they went in and the condemned criminal would come forth his doom, in the token that the deep heart of Nature could pity and be kind to him. In chapter two Hester Prynne has been brought out of the prison to be put in front of the crowd to show them what her punishment is for her being in prison. As she walks out the townspeople would stare, yelling hurtful things at her to make her feel horrible for the crime she made. As she walks out they see the child and the embroidered scarlet letter on her bosom.

Chapter 3-4
The third chapter is about when Roger Chillingworth comes back to the town and sees Hester standing on the scaffold with a baby. After he sees Hester he goes up to a man and asks him what has happened and why the lady is standing up there. As the man tells him this, Hester looks out into the crowd and sees him. As Hester stands on the scaffold Reverend Dimmesdale starts to say a speech on what she has done, and what her punishment is, which is to stand on the scaffold for an hour. In chapter four, this is where Roger goes to the prison where Hester has been kept, since he is the physician he wants to give the child that he had not known of some medicine which that is good, and will keep the baby well. As the conversation between the physician and Hester go on, he asks her who the father of the baby was, but Hester will not say. She has kept an oath that she will not tell who the father is of her baby. While the physician gets angry with her and wants to know, he tells her not to tell anyone who the father is of Pearl and that he is her husband.

Chapter 5-6
In chapter five they find out that Hester likes to knit gloves and different things for the government and others in the area for money to help out her baby's life and her own. In chapter six they find out that the baby's name is Pearl and how she is older now than she was when her mother was first in prison for her crime. Pearl is now still a baby but also older. Hester is still ashamed of the crime that she committed and wants to know if God is still her Father. As Pearl got older, the government thought Pearl was a devil child and wanted to take her away from Hester and kill Pearl.

Chapter 7-8
In chapter seven, Hester goes to the house where the governor's meet to give them the gloves and different clothing that she has knitted. While Hester and Pearl are in the house, Pearl notices a mirror and says mother look i can see you. Hester just wants Pearl to come and look out at the fair garden and see the flowers, the more beautiful ones that they find out in the woods when Hester and Pearl go out walking. The next chapter, chapter eight has to deal with when the governor's think Pearl is a demon child and want to get rid of her from this world so they wont have any trouble in there town from her. But Reverend Dimmesdale says that Hester should keep Pearl because she wont do any harm to anyone in the town, so Hester gets to keep Pearl.

Chapter 9-10
Chapter nine is about how Roger goes to Dimmesdale and is gives hints that he thinks he knows. He is trying to get Dimmesdale to come out and say that it is true that he is the one who gave Hester the burden of Pearl. So Roger is trying to get out of Dimmesdale as much as he can because he wants to know who the father is of Pearl and Hester wont say. In chapter ten Roger and Dimmesdale have more conversations about different things about the letters on people chest, and the ones that are buried in the cemetery, they don't have any plants, grass, or anything grow on top of there graves just because of the letter on their chest. As the chapter goes on, the Physician waits for Dimmesdale to fall into a deep sleep and then after is asleep he takes off Dimmesdale's shirt and sees something then he knows what he has been waiting to find out. As Dimmesdale still sleeps, after the Physician has seen the mark, the physician walks away with a wild look of wonder, joy, and horror. After Roger turned away he made a ghastly rapture, too mighty to be expressed only by the eye and features, and therefore bursting forth through the whole ugliness of his figure. Making itself even riotously manifest by the extravagant gestures with which he threw up his arms towards the ceiling, and stamped his foot upon the floor.

Chapter 11-12
In chapter eleven is where we find out that Dimmesdale goes home every night almost and tortures himself with a scrounge and throws it to his back and hits himself and laughs in pain. Dimmeadale also doesn't sleep at night, and he also fasts. In chapter twelve is where Dimmesdale walks to the scaffold where Hester had to stand for her punishment, and Dimmesdale stands there saying that he should of been up there on the scaffold with Hester deserving the same punishment she had. As he stood there, he sees Hester and Pearl come up and Pearl asks Dimmesdale if he would come the next day at noon-time and stand with her and her mother and hold hands till they have to get off. As Dimmesdale sits there and listens to Pearl, he tells her that he shall not stand with them tomorrow but another day he shall. They also say that the letter "A'' stands for Angel and not for what everyone else thinks it stands for.

Chapter 13-14
In chapter thirteen, everyone sees a different side of Hester. She is helping the poor and feeding the children who don't eat. She doesn't care about the letter on her bosom because it is not bringing her shame or agony. So she wants to help other people to show the towns people that she is not bothered by the letter. Hester wonders to herself why her letter has not shown her shame, why it hasn't brought her agony, the letter has not done its office she says to herself and wonders why. In chapter fourteen Hester meets with the physician and wants to speak with him about them. All the while, Hester looks at him and is shocked, to discern what a change had been wrought upon him within the past seven years. As Hester stands there and stares at him, the physician asks her what does she see in his face, and she says whatever she sees makes her weep. The physician asks her what he has done to Dimmesdale, and he says that now all he does is walk around the world owing all to him. As Hester just says that better he die at once. Hester wants to also know has he not tortured Dimmesdale enough, has he not paid him all.

Chapter 15-16
In chapter fifteen, Hester and Pearl just left from talking to the physician and little Pearl wants to know what the letter is about and why her mother wont tell her. So when Pearl was away from her mother she seen some moss and put that on her bosom as a letter A and went up to her mom and says see mother I have one too just like you, and she also tells Hester that when she is older she is going to have one just like her. Hester looks at Pearl and says the green letter, and on my childish bosom, has no support. But do you know know what this letter means which why mother is doomed to wear it. All Pearl wants to know is what the letter means and why her mother has to wear it. In chapter sixteen, Hester and Pearl take a walk into the woods, and Hester lets Pearl go play while she talks to Dimmesdale. As Hester and Pearl wait for Dimmesdale, Pearl says to her mother that she can run and catch the sunshine but her mother cant. So when Pearl goes and catches some of it, her mother tries but it goes away before she could get to it, and Pearl is mad because her mother made it go away just because of the letter on her bosom. While Hester and Dimmesdale talk, they talk about that day seven years ago, the day that they made Pearl. They were talking about how they said that they loved each other and that they meant it.

Chapter 17-18
In chapter seventeen, this part of the chapter talks about when Hester and Pearl go out into the woods to meet someone that Hester wants to talk too. While Hester and Pearl are sitting there waiting Hester lets Pearl go off and play while Hester talks to this person, which is Arther Dimmesdale. They talk about how Hester wants to tell the people that he is Pearls father, and that they love each other and they want to be with one another. Also Hester tells Dimmesdale that there is an enemy that lives in his household, which is Roger Chillingworth. In chapter eighteen this is when Arther and Hester actually tell Pearl that Dimmesdale is her father. Dimmesdale tells Hester that he has been afraid of Pearl because he thinks that she will not like him for what has happen in the past because Pearl asked him to stand on the scaffold with them and he didn't, he thinks Pearl may still have guilt against him for not doing that. After they sat their thinking if Pearl wont like him and that she will not believe that he is her father.

Chapter 19-20
Chapter nineteen talks about when Pearl comes to meet Dimmesdale and he is thinking that she will not love them. But Pearl is the one who thinks that he wont love her and her mother because he hasn't come out in the past to tell people the truth. When Pearl came to her mother and father, she asked if he was going to love them and stand on the scaffold with her and Hester, but Hester says still not this time but a time in the future. In chapter twenty it talk about how when Dimmesdale is on his way back from the woods he keeps having different feelings towards things. When he ran into Mistress Higgins, a girl at his church, a drunken sailor and kids playing in the street. He thought of these didnt ways that were wicked towards others. When he finally got home, the physician was at his house, and Dimmesdale started to write the Election Sermon for the Governor, but then after Roger Chillingworth said something to him Dimmesdale threw it away and started to write a better one.

Chapter 21-22
While the chapter twenty-two goes on, a day in the town it was the Election for the Governor. Hester and Pearl walked into the market-place to watch the show and people stared at Hester because she took off the Scarlet Letter because her and Dimmesdale with Pearl want to go away and start off fresh, with a clean slate. As Pearl and Hester stand there, Roger Chillingworth walks over to the Captain of the ship that they are supposed to take off on, and talks to him about something. When Roger gets done talking to him, the man walks over to Hester and tells her that there is going to be another passenger along their ride, Hester didn't know what he meant until he told her that they were going to have a doctor on the boat. After he said that Hester knew exactly who was going. Roger Chillingworth was going to ride on the boat with Hester, Pearl and Dimmesdale. He just doesn't want to get away from Hester and Pearl because he knows about all of there secrets. Now Hester is having second thoughts on going because of old Roger Chillingworth.

Chapter 23-24
In chapter twenty-three, Dimmesdale has to give his sermon for the governors election, but he makes it as him showing the town the truth. He yells for Hester and Pearl to come up to the scaffold with him to show the towns people that he is Pearls father, and that he is proud to be the father and the lover of Hester. As he tells the towns people the truth, he gets weaker, after he shows the people his letter on his chest, he falls to the ground and tells Hester and Pearl that he loves them. Then Dimmesdale passes on to the after life. In chapter twenty-four, after many days of Dimmesdales death, Hester sees Roger Chillingworth, she sees him very weak and out of energy. As his life goes on, Roger Chillingworth dies too. Pearl goes on to get married, have kids and lives a good life. Hester dies further on in the chapter and her grave site is right next to Dimmesdales. Hesters tombstone was in the color black and the only thing it says on it is: "On A Field, Sable, The Letter A. Gules"

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